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Issues on Early-Stage Investing in 2024
The Perspectives You
Need to Know Now

3:00-5:00PM  The Kimpton Palomar Hotel Ballroom

(117 South 17   Street)



5:00 - 7:00PM


2024 continues to be a tumultuous year in the early-stage investing eco-system.  Overall investment numbers continue to be down compared to the 2022 and the turn-around is, as best, a dim light at the end of the tunnel.  Join our panel of legal and early-stage investment experts as we explore the impact the economy and recent notices from Washington will have on your investment position and taxes for 2024 as well as providing a foundation for your 2024 strategy.


Possible Topics for Consideration by our Panel:

  • Most if not all of you know about 1202 and 1045 but are you aware of and taking advantage of 1244?  Are you leaving as much as 100K of losses on the table every year?

  • What is the status of HR2792 and how has it effected early-stage investing in 2024?

  • Are there any circumstances in which: (i) a private equity investor may be held liable for the liabilities of the underlying portfolio companies (including due to breach of applicable laws by the portfolio companies); and (ii) one portfolio company may be held liable for the liabilities of another portfolio company?

  • What do you need to do NOW to align with the FinSEC Beneficial Ownership Information Act.

  • Have there been any significant legal and/or regulatory developments over recent years impacting private equity investors or transactions and are any anticipated?

  • Do not leave money on the table – Do not leave yourself exposed!  Be sure to attend this world-class expert panel and come away with great ideas that will likely save you tens if not hundreds of thousands of dollars.


Christopher E. Ezold.  Chris focuses his practice on working with businesses and professionals from startup through growth and beyond in biotech/life sciences, health care, technology, commercial and consumer services, and more.  He is an active K4-MST Member & Sponsor and had participated in dozens of due diligence projects.


Steven M. Cohen,  Steven represents entrepreneurs, private equity investors, and venture capital funds.  He advises clients in such industries as technology, life sciences, chemicals, consumer products, digital health, and fintech.  Steve counsels Mid-Atlantic region investors and emerging growth companies in a variety of business transaction including equity financing transactions, mergers and acquisitions (M&A), divestitures, initial public offerings (IPOs), joint ventures, and international strategic partnerships. He is the former chair of the firm’s emerging companies and venture capital practice.


Brianna McDonald,  Brianna has been an active leader and angel investor with Keiretsu Forum since its launch in Seattle in 2005 and supporting its growth to become the largest and most active group globally.  She has proven specifically adept at screening companies for angel investment, coaching companies on presentation and investor relations, sales strategy execution, relationship management, and leading due diligence teams. Brianna has established a reputation for achievement in all phases of the Keiretsu process: risk management, market anticipation and response, regional/national business development, organizational development, angel investing, and overall enterprise management.

Peter Weiss, Since 1999 Peter's American Outlook consulting company has been providing advice and guidance to a wide array of young businesses seeking to raise capital, refine business plans, improve operations and transform themselves as they move on to their next stage.  While many of these companies are technology-oriented, distribution, retail, manufacturing and service companies ranging from food producers to a day spa have constituted a significant portion of the client base.  Principal Areas of Focus: Capital structure, corporate governance, fundraising, investor relations, cash management, accounting and controls, human resources, insurance, contract management, support for management and Board in strategic and tactical planning and decision making including partner relations.

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